Project Description

Crystal Healing Therapy & Gridwork

Crystal Healing Therapy & Gridwork

Indulgence for body, mind & soul.

From ancient times crystals have been used for their gifts to harness wonderful, powerful, magical properties.

A crystal grid combines the power of crystals with an energetic map to guide us in the direction of our goals and create real changes to our lives. By setting our intentions change can happen fast.

  • Experience each crystal holding its own energetic properties (electromagnetic waves) to bring a subtle transmission of healing, to improve your wellbeing & health.

  • An array of coloured crystals are placed on your chakra centres to bring balance to your energy field.

  • Crystals are used intuitively, to cleanse and awaken energies in areas of your body as needed.

  • Build an energetic map to create change in your life, through the creation of your own crystal grid. Identify your core values & which ones you are currently living by. Set your intentions, identifying areas of life you want to change.

“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”.

Albert Einstein

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.

Book a 4-night stay package and receive a free oracle card reading.